Sunday, April 28, 2013

A New Blog: Dedicated to the Desire and Passion of my Heart


It's a new blog...just starting this journal of opportunity to share my emotions, thoughts, concerns and insights into the Love that captivates my mind, compels me to a particular path each day of life, and instills in me a standard to be more than what I ever thought I could be before I learned to become something more than myself for another.

It is a great theme of my life to have spent much of it in search of affection, acceptance, and place to which I belong, and I have logged much of this in my private journals for the last 20 years. I have only been blogging for going on a year now, but I keep several blogs dedicated to certain subjects at different networks on the internet (someday soon to be gathered up under the website of my own network, still under construction.) It has been a common theme on my WordPress site this last year to share some of the feelings that go along with the desire of my heart for a woman that I have as yet not been able to move into a relationship that would allow us to move beyond casual friends in once since. However, just recently, in another since altogether, we finally moved into a more intimate understanding of our relationship as friends and I don't have to pretend that I'm not in love with her, and she honestly cares about me a great deal.

I like this, but it is hard to describe so I won't share that part of it It isn't important who the woman is, I don't have permission to share that as far as I know, and though I'm sure it wouldn't come as a surprise, it is something I would need before I referred to her in a public domain on purpose. I have written many letters in a "private" journal (hardback leather filled with letters over the last couple of years), none of which I have I yet shared with her, but she is aware that I do this, and it is not a point of contention or bothersome for her so far as I know so I don't feel to "creepy" sharing this with the world, just not sharing the letters themselves...but I feel I can share the desire, passion and romance along with the insight that I glean from this in this blog as long as I refrain from sharing to much of the directly personal nature of our growing affair of the heart. It isn't my dream o me forlorn nor lovesick, nor pathetically inclined to a lonely existence, but it is my desire and hope to be the type of lover and friend that I have always longed for and still try to believe that someday may prove to be the very treasure that another could find a true value upon and fill a vacant need within her.

It is worth believing in, and it is everything that I have strived for through all my fighting against a system I have long since grown weary of ranting against. I am not the perfect vision of the stalwart soldier nor the successful entrepreneur sailing in to shower my darling with the finest of things I honestly cannot buy, yet, I have sought with great perseverance to become the man I thought would worthy of such a woman as she presented herself to be, and though I know neither of us are exactly what we thought when first we met some 13 years ago, it changes nothing in the regard that I chose to love her, not for who she is, isn't, pretends to be, nor any other combination of presentation and personality...I chose to love her, and I have stayed the course on this, and will do so forever as she is the only woman that has ever inspired me to learn to love, inspired me to give of myself, and inspired me to love myself which allowed me to become a whole new man again!

She doesn't have to say a word to me. It is the love I feel; the fact she simply exists compels me to give more and more of myself to this passion and allow this to become the Light that guides my every step into the long journey through the night that has allowed me to grow in Wisdom, Understanding and Insight, well tearing down the considerable amount of self degradation and low opinion of my own worth as I chose to be this love for another without regard for the return.

Don't get me wrong...the lack of reciprocation is painful and lonely and I often find it a most burdensome thing, but it has transformed me from a man that had no direction into someone with a dream and a hope for tomorrow, and this is the type of conviction that I never thought I personally would have to shine and share.  I never thought I would be so determined to become such a man as to be this devoted to a purpose. It is the meaning of all that I am. It is the reason I love my name.

I am Zion Amoure.

Peace and Love be with you. 
Love,Romance & Passion @ posts belong to Zion Marion Amoure creator of &#169 2013

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