It's a path most of us have traveled or will, the unavoidable break up of a long-term relationship, and even for those of us that have been through a few of
these (not me, I had one break-up [ten year marriage], one unrequited, left all relationships alone after that...yeah, yeah..sad)the heartache and the even greater transition that everything changes is something that one hopes doesn't ever happen so often that we get use to such a thing, so we don't!
these (not me, I had one break-up [ten year marriage], one unrequited, left all relationships alone after that...yeah, yeah..sad)the heartache and the even greater transition that everything changes is something that one hopes doesn't ever happen so often that we get use to such a thing, so we don't!
One of my dear friends I've known her whole life, and have seen here develop into an outstanding woman and mother, is going through a break up and my heart breaks with hers because for me, it was enough to keep me from giving it out ever again; she isn't nearly so all or nothing as me, and I know she will find herself growing as a result from this, but more, she will bring all her value to a new relationship that allows her to shine and be everything she is meant to be.
Beyond the pain of the break, her fears are just as she realizes this means a change in hangouts, change in friends, as everyone that did things as couples now chose who will they do things with now that a one or the other is going to
be a choice of who we spend friday night hanging out with as both won't be an option. It sucks that things often break down to such dynamics as this, but their really isn't anyway around it. My surprise would be to find that anyone would chose not to spend time with Jami, she's fun at a party.... :-)
be a choice of who we spend friday night hanging out with as both won't be an option. It sucks that things often break down to such dynamics as this, but their really isn't anyway around it. My surprise would be to find that anyone would chose not to spend time with Jami, she's fun at a party.... :-)
I am not the dear abby type, I don't offer advice unsolicited, I usually just deposit my wisdom from my own experiences for others to use as they see fit, entertainment or useful knowledge for their own course. I do honestly feel the heart of the girl I have known as my niece, the daughter of two dear friends, and I want to just share what I can: I believe in you, Jami! You will keep standing!
I love you, Jami! <3
Love,Romance & Passion @ posts belong to Zion Marion Amoure creator of and ©2012-2013
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